CBD Oil for Pain Relief

If you suffer from a pain condition, you may have tried a variety of techniques, such as massage, yoga, or physical therapy to find relief. It’s likely you have sought help from one or more medical specialists, and you may take some type of pain medication. When that’s not enough, Lipson Pain Institute will work with you to find answers and significant relief. We believe in bringing all your techniques, treatments, and care providers into a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to pain management.

At Lipson Pain Institute, collaboration for pain management is important. First, we have to understand the original cause for the pain, whether injury, surgery, or illness.

What factors make it worse or trigger increased pain? What interventions have you tried? Building a trusting relationship and understanding a patient’s journey help us diagnose and treat physical pain.

Chronic pain affects a person’s entire life, from sleep and mobility to relationships and self-image. That’s why we embrace a multidisciplinary approach that includes lifestyle factors, medication management, targeted procedures, and collaboration with the patient’s other healthcare providers. Our patients are referred to us by specialists, including: 

  • Neurologists
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Orthopedic Surgeons
  • Rheumatologists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Mental Health Professionals

“Effective treatment for pain involves more than administering a pill or an injection,” says Ana Lipson, MD. “We have to understand the patient’s starting point with us and his or her experiences. Pain management includes both short- and long-term strategies, and the patient obviously has a say in developing those.”

An effective collaborative health plan is a combination of active and passive interventions. Active interventions, such as meditation, tai chi, dietary changes, or breathing exercises, require the patient to exert effort on his or her own behalf. After some initial guidance, the individual can continue without assistance. Passive interventions are those made by health care providers and don’t require the patient to expend energy. These might include surgery, medications, injections, or massage.

Medication management is a critical component in addressing pain, both from prescribers and pharmacists. In our initial evaluation, we consider the patient’s overall medical history, as well as type and severity of pain to determine appropriate medications in the overall pain management strategy. This includes the use of vitamins or supplements, sleep medications, and drugs prescribed for medical conditions other than pain, such as high cholesterol. “One goal is to reduce a patient’s dependence on narcotic medications, so they can return to work or normal activities,” says Dr. Lipson. 

Lipson Pain Institute is skilled and experienced in a variety of minor, moderate, and major invasive procedures. These include trigger point injections, epidural nerve blocks, and radio-frequency ablation, among others. Some patients are later referred to surgeons for spinal stimulators or implantable infusion pumps Other patients benefit from referral to occupational therapy as part of their pain treatments. These collaborative referral relationships ensure our patients receive the highest quality care, focused on positive outcomes for you. 

Lipson Pain Institute believes in maintaining a caring and compassionate atmosphere to help improve the quality of life for those in pain. For more information or to schedule a consult, please call us at 863-293-4800 or visit our website at lipsonpaininstitute.com.

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